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  • Complete Hormone and Folic Acid Nutrigenomic Analysis (2 in 1 test)

Complete Hormone and Folic Acid Nutrigenomic Analysis (2 in 1 test)


Two DNA tests in one – saving £99

The methylation of folic acid is critical for keeping your body and brain biochemistry in balance. It occurs billions of times every second in our body’s cells.  Common genetic variants (SNPs) can impact our natural ability to methylate and thus result in increased susceptibility to systemic imbalances and issues with fertility including poor foetal development and miscarriage. It can impact development of chronic conditions such as heart disease, depression, diabetes, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases and premature ageing.

Hormone imbalance can contribute to fertility problems such as fibroids, endometriosis, menstrual irregularities, osteoporosis, heart disease, blood clots, acne, sexual dysfunction, low libido, mood swings, poor memory, weight gain and hormone sensitive cancers.

The Oestrogen Balance test analyses genes involved in the lifecycle of the sex steroid hormones – progesterone, androgens and oestrogens. It looks at how gene variants affect production, activation and elimination of the hormones .

Both of these tests will show you what is working well in your genetics and what needs further help.

Nutrients and environmental factors  can influence and improve their balance and these will be shared in your results.

Gene Tested:

Folate Cycle: DHFR, FOLH1, MTHFD1, MTHFR, RFC1, SHMT1 and TYMS
Methionine Cycle: AHCY, BHMT, FUT2, MAT1A, MTR, MTRR, PEMT and TCN2
Neurotransmitter Cycle: COMT, MAOA, MAOB, QDPR and VDR
Transulphuration Cycle: CBS, CTH, GSS, MUT and SUOX
Urea Cycle: NOS and SOD

Synthesis: CYP17A1, CYP19A1 and SULT2A1
Activation: CYP1A1, CYP1B1 and CYP3A4
Receptors: ESR1 and ESR2
Methylation: COMT and MTHFR
Metabolism: GSTM1, GSTP1, SULT1A1, SUL1E1, UGT1A1 and UGT1A6

Sample type

Cheek swab – DNA