Meet Kat
I understand the overwhelming desire for a baby, the constant thoughts about not having one, and I'm here to help you

Hello, my name is Kat Boyd and I'm a Fertility Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist and Emotions Coach.
I offer real hope and support to couples struggling to conceive, either naturally or with assisted methods like IVF.
I consider everything available in science and nature to offer a truly holistic and personalised treatment plan, one that enhances the function of the body, calms the mind and offers a clear direction on how to live a lifestyle that enhances fertility.
As someone who has experienced infertility and miscarriage, I understand the impact it has on couples who are losing hope, are feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. I don’t want them to go this alone and think that IVF is the only way or that they have exhausted their options. I love supporting and uplifting them, seeing them achieve their dreams and finally travel a path that is so special and fulfilling.
If I could pinpoint the best day of my life, without a doubt it was the day I found out I was pregnant despite being told I would never conceive without fertility drugs and IVF.
If I had to share the saddest day it was the miscarriage I underwent alone six weeks later. To make matters worse, infertility and miscarriage are never spoken about. It was like a secret I had to carry around with me. I felt so lost, sad and even though I had a supportive partner, he had no idea what I was going through.
Everywhere I turned there was a reminder; another pregnancy announcement on my social feed or an invite to a baby shower. Although I was happy for them, I wanted to scream.
I wondered what I was doing wrong, and would it ever be my turn?
If you ever found yourself in the same position as me, I’m sorry. I understand what you’re going through. But if you’re here, then you have to know there’s still hope. And how can I say that? Because, against the odds and without IVF I became a mother. Given my determination and belief in natural medicine, I was able to come up with a method that at 37 years old enabled me to get and stay pregnant after miscarriage, ovulate despite my PCOS & overcome my unexplained infertility - all naturally.
Since then I've learned so much more with advances in nutrition and reproductive medicine. I continuously update my method to include the latest science has to offer to help my patients enjoy the bliss of being a parent.
I’m sure you can experience this too. Let me help you.
My professional Credentials
I am a fully insured, registered Fertility Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist, Natural Family Planning Teacher and EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner.
I am obsessed with fertility, have a commitment to lifelong learning and regularly attend seminars on various topics relating to natural health, nutrition and fertility. I pride myself on keeping updated with the latest fertility research in order to offer the best, most effective treatments to my clients.
My Memberships
Practitioner memberships require high levels of training and expertise. I have successfully completed the ongoing professional requirements for membership with the following organisations:
Recent Trainings
Some other things about me...

There are few pleasures in life that can outweigh the joy of holding one of my patient’s babies. I truly believe I have the best job in the world! - Kat Boyd
You are not broken, your new journey starts here
Together, we’ll set you on a successful path to pregnancy, reduce your miscarriage risk, so that you can meet your beautiful baby and start living your happily ever after!